Healthy Toddler Meals: 7 Pancakes for Picky Eaters

If there’s one thing just about any baby or toddler can agree on, it’s that pancakes are a big fat YES. Sweet, fluffy, fun (to dip). Yes, yes, yes! If there’s anything just about any mama can agree on, it’s that getting your kiddos to eat enough healthy foods,...

Mom Fitness Motivation: How to Bounce Back

EASY FIRST STEPS TOWARD FITNESS... Ok, so nothing feels “easy” after baby. Let’s just put that out there right off the bat (which is actually why I started my blog in the first place). Especially not getting motivated toward fitness as a new mom. Round-the-clock...

20 Tantalizing Toddler Travel Activities

Like many first-time mamas, when it came to bracing myself for my first travels with baby, I armed myself with allllll the things. I’d be up nights leading up to take-off just adding things to my amazon cart. (It sure is scary how easy it is to spend on Amazon). I...

Calling All New Moms- Let’s Get Savvy!

Hey there! Brittani here, personally welcoming you to my blog on getting savvy about all things mom life! As a new mom (with a type-A personality) living in a world of information overload, I found myself spending excessive amounts of time researching every......
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A Savvy Mama

A type-A mama navigating the information-superhighway of parenthood, Brittani created this website to help other new mamas quickly get savvy on all things mom life without losing too much time, sleep or sanity!

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