Fitness motivation with mom doing push ups while baby does tummy timeOk, so nothing feels “easy” after baby. Let’s just put that out there right off the bat (which is actually why I started my blog in the first place). Especially not getting motivated toward fitness as a new mom. Round-the-clock feeding, rocking, holding. Running on next to no sleep. Even taking a shower feels hard.

Because personal hygiene was such a task, I was not about to find time or energy to do anything like diet and exercise. However, I was lucky enough to find that pounds started shedding, seemingly on their own. I was walking around like someone who had started to get back on their fitness game without actually having done so. People began asking, “how the hell are you managing to get back into shape with a newborn on your hands?” I wish I could’ve credited myself, but felt like I was really just getting lucky…(eye roll, I know).

My first thought: breastfeeding. I had heard breastfeeding burns a bunch of calories and helps you drop weight, and God knows I was doing it round the clock. So I figured, that had to be it.

My second thought: genes. My parents are quite fit and healthy, and I’ve been pretty active throughout my life myself. From gymnastics as a kid to the Brazilian martial arts of Capoeira as an adult, to lots of exercise in-between. Including hitting those water workouts hard with my aqua aerobics instructor mama during pregnancy (if you’re in LA and interested in these services. Maybe that’s it.

My third thought: My baby is a big boy and I have inadvertently been doing some exercise wearing and bouncing him around day and night… 

That’s when it hit me. The above statement is actually not insignificant. I was doing things, I just wasn’t giving myself credit for them because I hadn’t done them with any health or fitness related intentions. So, I decided to take inventory of the things I had mindlessly been doing that played big roles in my weight loss journey that people could mindfully be doing to help them in theirs. Because the results (weight-loss and getting in better shape) that came from the cumulation of these things motivated me to start actively pushing in that direction. In other words, these things gave me a newfound sense of fitness motivation as a new mom.

After some reflection, I discovered there were some important steps I was taking that were helping my body recover and get back into shape.


  • Sleep
  • Employ a Yoga Ball
  • Drink Water
  • Take Regular Walks 
  • Wear a Belly Wrap

Exhausted puppy nappingSLEEP: Sleep. With a newborn. Laughable, right? Can’t say I didn’t go through the inevitable sleep deprivation that comes with taking home a new baby. But as soon as my anxieties calmed (a notch), I tried to “sleep when baby sleeps” and enlist family’s help to catch up on lost zzz’s. This was more to keep my sanity than anything else, as severe lack of sleep in the initial days gave me a full-blown hallucination I won’t soon forget. However, some say sleep is the most important thing for a better body. According to Psychology Today, lack of sleep slows your metabolism, causing you to store calories as fat. It also ups your appetite and unhealthy cravings (sugar, fat, carbs). So, sleep is underrated. Forget the gym (for now). You’re already doing yourself a huge favor if you just sleep! Finally, something that sounds good and helps regulate weight.

EMPLOY A YOGA BALL: This is what I want to buy for every baby shower from now on. It was the greatest gift for both the baby and me. The bouncing motion was so soothing to him and so thigh toning for me. Not to mention less stress on my back. And if you’re really motivated, it’s great to have lying around for full body exercise options you can do in the comfort of your living room. ‘Cause God knows you’re not likely to make it to the gym any time soon!

refreshing drinking water for hydrationDRINK WATER: Do not underestimate this. I was constantly hydrating. More because I was constantly thirsty (thanks, breastfeeding) than anything else. BUT, weight loss was a welcome side effect. Drinking water not only boosts your metabolism, it also helps your body stop retaining water. Honestly, I was the worst at drinking water before getting pregnant. And the only way I’ve been able to maintain proper water consumption is to have my water bottle live in my hand bag. If it wasn’t always there for me to mindlessly drink, there’s no way I’d drink enough. Read more about the benefits of water for weight loss. 

TAKE REGULAR WALKS: Being a bit of an exercise junkie in my past life, I used to poo-poo the idea of walking as exercise. However, walking 30 minutes a day is all you really need to burn calories and improve your metabolism. And that’s a manageable number even a busy mama can stick to. Furthermore, pushing the stroller adds resistance, optimizing your calorie-burning efforts. Fresh air is great for baby, and sometimes the only thing that would keep a nap going for mine. So, I walked a ton. Side-note: my goodness we discovered a lot of new places in our LA neighborhood that got lost in the rear view mirror of our cars over the years. Like our new favorite pizza place (Pomodoro, if you must know). But that’s for treat days and a different type of post altogether. I digress.

WEAR A BELLY WRAP: Now, I know, this one may be a little controversial. I am not suggesting this will magically slim your waist back to its pre-pregnancy size. However, in my experience it does support your ab muscles and lower back. This makes you feel a bit more like your old self and a bit less like jiggly jello. By providing this support, it actually makes it easier to be more active. And, honestly, walking by your reflection and seeing something that resembles the body you once knew makes it feel like you’re not a million miles away. And when the goal appears more within reach, it’s just easier to get motivated to go for it!


Fitness motivation with tummy time for baby plank for mom Progress is the secret to happiness. When you see progress, it’s a whole lot easier to feel motivated to go out and accomplish your goals. Following these simple steps will help you see some progress with minimal effort. Not a massive transformation per se, but some progress. And, once you’re ready, whenever that is- you’ll hopefully feel less “behind” and more motivated to jump back in the fitness game.

So I say, instead of focusing on the daunting tasks like diet and going to the gym, focus on these relatively “effortless” tasks out the gate. They’ll fit with your demanding lifestyle as a new mom while giving you positive results. They’ll also prevent you from from going down a path where self-care goes completely out the window. One of the easiest traps for new moms! Taking these savvy steps will allow you the space to focus on the most important things- your baby, yourself, and your family- while somewhat seamlessly getting more fit at the same time.

The timing of when you decide to focus on getting back into shape more deliberately will differ for everyone. Don’t rush the process. Don’t compare. Whether you were fit pre-baby or not, these tips can help any new mom feel stronger and healthier. And most importantly, cherish this special and very limited time with your precious little one. The gym isn’t going anywhere.

How did you get motivated to get back into shape after having a baby? Any tips or tricks that worked for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts so that we can all navigate our way toward our healthiest selves!

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A Savvy Mama

A type-A mama navigating the information-superhighway of parenthood, Brittani created this website to help other new mamas quickly get savvy on all things mom life without losing too much time, sleep or sanity!

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