Hey there! Brittani here, personally welcoming you to my blog on getting savvy about all things mom life! As a new mom (with a type-A personality) living in a world of information overload, I found myself spending excessive amounts of time researching every… little… thing. Baby sleep, healthy recipes, mommy fitness routines, new parent relationship advice, travel, poop. You name it, I googled it. Or bought a book on it. Or texted 20 people to weigh in on it. There’s SO much advice out there, it’s mind-boggling. Actually stayed up until 1am trying to pick just the right laundry hamper for our nursery (insert face palm here). After going deep, deep down the rabbit-hole of infinite info and losing way too much sleep, I’ve resurfaced with a realization.

What I- and I imagine many moms want- is to avoid the rabbit-hole and find a savvy shortcut so we can get back to living our busy lives! It’s not about that Alice in Wonderland life. Being lost in the unknown world of motherhood can be daunting. And exciting. But also, a little bit terrifying. Endless “experts” telling you what to do (solicited or not). So which way do you go? It’s a mad, mad maze. And the clock is tickin’ (cue “I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date”). Also, you know what they always say: it all goes by so quickly. So I created this fun, fast and informative lifestyle blog to help you get savvy. Let’s hop to it!

My Go-To Blogs for Guidance and/or Inspiration:

Whether you’re looking to get fit, get your tiny human fed, go find some fun or find some answers, I hope these resources help point you in the right direction. Above all, I look forward to sharing the nuggets I’ve picked up along the way. Welcome, enjoy, and thank you so much for being here!

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A Savvy Mama

A type-A mama navigating the information-superhighway of parenthood, Brittani created this website to help other new mamas quickly get savvy on all things mom life without losing too much time, sleep or sanity!

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